

Embeds rock.

They are for big structures:

	--- Example Usage ---

	{% embed "_components/_content-w-sidebar" %}
		{% block content %}
		{% endblock %}

		{% block sidebar %}
		{% endblock %}
	{% endembed %}

<div class="space-y-16 lg:flex lg:space-y-0 lg:space-x-32">
		{% block content %}{% endblock %}
	<div class="flex-shrink-0 lg:w-88 xl:w-106">
		{% block sidebar %}{% endblock %}

They can be used for smaller components too:

	--- Example Usage ---

	{% include '_components/_atoms/_heading' with {
		text: 'What’s New', // Default to lorem ipsum
		tag: 'h2', // Defaults to a div
		preset: 'serif-xl', // Defaults to 'display-7xl'
	} only %}

	{% embed '_components/_atoms/_heading' with {
		tag: 'h2', // Defaults to a div
		preset: 'serif-xl', // Defaults to 'display-7xl'
	} only %}
		{% block main %}
			{{ svg('@webroot/icons/lemon.svg')|attr({ class: 'w-4 h-4' }) }}
			What’s New
		{% endblock %}
	{% endembed %}

{% set text = text ?? 'Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet' %}
{% set tag = tag ?? 'div' %}
{% set preset = preset ?? 'display-7xl' %}

{% set presets = {
	'display-7xl': 'font-display text-42px md:text-7xl uppercase leading-cramped',
	'display-4xl': 'font-display text-4xl uppercase leading-none',
	'display-lg': 'font-display text-lg uppercase leading-none',
	'display-sm': 'font-display text-sm uppercase leading-tightest tracking-wider',
	'serif-3xl': 'font-serif font-bold text-3xl leading-tighter tracking-tight',
	'serif-xl': 'font-serif font-bold text-xl leading-tightest tracking-tight',
} %}

{% set attrs = {
	class: presets[preset],
}|merge(attrs ?? {}) %}

<{{ tag }} {{ attr(attrs) }}>
	{% block main %}
		{{ text }}
	{% endblock %}
</{{ tag }}>